GMP Articles Parking Industry

EV Charging Prices Skyrocket as the Energy Crisis Worsens2 min read

Dec 18, 2022 2 min
EV Charging Prices

EV Charging Prices Skyrocket as the Energy Crisis Worsens2 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Amidst the energy crisis, EV charging prices have skyrocketed. While the prices are higher than ever before, they remain a fraction of the cost of fueling up your car at a gas station.

The EV charging prices increase is due to a number of factors: first, there is a shortage of supply; second, demand has increased substantially; and third, many stations are having difficulty maintaining their infrastructure.

The shortage of supply is caused in part by a lack of investment in charging infrastructure and by new regulations that require companies to remove old chargers from roadsides over safety concerns. On top of this, some stations have been forced to close down due to a lack of funding or other reasons.

The increase in demand comes from consumers who are scrambling for ways to offset the rising costs associated with driving gas vehicles. This has led many people who were previously opposed to electric cars or hybrids to consider purchasing one for their next vehicle purchase—and this increase in demand has put pressure on existing chargers. While some stations have been able to accommodate new customers by adding additional cords or replacing older ones with newer models, others are unable or unwilling to do so currently due to limited funds or other factors such as space constraints.

Also Read: EV Buyers in the US Unlikely to Revert to Gasoline Vehicles

Join the EV Revolution

With future generations eagerly looking toward affordable and sustainable EV models, it is clear that the future is electric! If you’re a parking operator looking to upgrade your locations, offering EV charging as a value-added service is a great idea for futureproofing your business.

With GMP EV, you can offer value-added services like EV charging through a custom-branded parking app or web app! Here’s why you should choose GMP EV to transform your parking lot into a mobility hub:

What are you waiting for? Contact for a free demo or check GMP EV out on our website!