GMP Articles Parking Industry

The Importance of EV Training in Car Parks2 min read

Nov 28, 2022 2 min
Three Levels of EV Charging

The Importance of EV Training in Car Parks2 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Here’s why it’s essential to set up EV training for employees in car parks and mobility facilities as the transport industry shifts swiftly toward cleaner energy

You know that you need to improve how your company is run, but where do you start? One of the best places to start is with your employees. You can’t expect great things from them if they aren’t given the tools they need to succeed.

This is exactly how important EV training is to the clean energy industry.

Electric vehicle training helps employees understand how electric vehicles work, allowing them to make better decisions about how they use their cars, which results in lower operating costs over time.

For example, some people think that an electric car battery has a charge limit that must not be exceeded or else there will be damage done to the car’s battery system—but this isn’t true! The only thing that happens when you exceed this limit is that your battery will stop charging until it reaches a voltage level below that which caused damage upon first charging it (i.e., above 4 volts).

EV charging is a major concern for car park operators. With the rising popularity of EVs, they must provide consumers with safe, efficient, and reliable service. One way to achieve this is through EV training. We have outlined some of the benefits of EV training in car parks below:

  1. It helps reduce potential risks to customers and staff
  2. It ensures staff understands how to handle any issues related to EV charging:
  3. It can reduce costs associated with repairing damage caused by EVs

With the rise of electric vehicles and the decrease in gas stations, car parks are becoming more important than ever.

However, with this growing importance comes a bit of a problem: how do you ensure that your car park is ready for an influx of electric vehicles? EV training for both customers and employees seems like the only way out.

Also Read: EV Charging Etiquette for Beginners

Join the EV Revolution

With future generations eagerly looking toward affordable and sustainable EV models, it is clear that the future is electric! If you’re a parking operator looking to upgrade your locations, offering EV charging as a value-added service is a great idea for futureproofing your business.

With GMP EV, you can offer value-added services like EV charging through a custom-branded parking app or web app! Here’s why you should choose GMP EV to transform your parking lot into a mobility hub:

What are you waiting for? Contact for a free demo or check GMP EV out on our website!