NASA’s New Tech Can Charge EVs in 5 Minutes2 min read
Reading Time: 2 minutesElectric vehicle charging periods could be significantly shortened, thanks to an experimental NASA technique.
The process, known as “subcooled flow boiling,” enhances the heat transfer from charging cables. This technology was developed by a Prude University team for experimental purposes and with the hope that it will be able to control spatial system temperatures in the future.
Alongside the potential positive implications for the space industry, this new tech can also make it easier and more feasible to own an electric vehicle here on earth.
According to NASA, charging an EV in less than five minutes would require vehicle chargers to deliver current at approximately 1,400 amperes. In contrast, most standard EV chargers currently available support under 150 amperes of power while even the most advanced models out there deliver no more than 520 amperes. The problem with exceeding the 520-ampere barrier is that the charger will start generating considerably more heat and may compromise user safety.
But, thanks to subcooled flow boiling, the amount of electrical current that modern EV chargers can provide to automobiles might be considerably increased. This will, thus, drastically shorten charging times, enabling a complete charge from empty in only a little over five minutes. Using subcooled flow boiling, the research team was able to deliver 2,400 amps down a cable.
Even though it exceeds the 1,400 amperes needed to charge EVs in five minutes, this is still a very impressive feat. The technology can potentially provide close to five times the current presently provided by the most powerful EV chargers in the world.
Application of the subcooled flow boiling technology can lead to an unparalleled reduction in EV charging times and, as a result, could remove one of the biggest barriers (lengthy charging times) prohibiting the mass acceptance of electric vehicles.
Also Read: Florida Leads the EV Charging Revolution in the US
Join the EV Revolution
With future generations eagerly looking toward affordable and sustainable EV models, it is clear that the future is electric!
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