Parking Industry

Why choose GMP Permit to manage your parking?2 min read

Apr 13, 2021 2 min
Digital Parking Permits

Why choose GMP Permit to manage your parking?2 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Imagine a solution that lets you automate and streamline your entire parking permit operation through a single screen! A GMP Permit ensures the same. This digital mechanism addresses the following issues faced by both parkers and admin while accessing a parking lot.

GMP Permit

The Problem that GMP Permit Solves

The permit management process involves a host of activities admins undertake- from selling permits to managing them to collecting payments. The traditional parking permit purchase process is offline, which makes said activities hard to track.

As for customers, an offline permit system means they cannot receive long-term parking permits for specific lots. Besides, they also waste precious time acquiring a parking permit once they arrive at a parking garage. Often, parkers don’t have any real-time information on whether a Permit is available or not, and they run the risk of getting turned away from a parking structure due to no vacancy.

These are just a few significant problems with the system of issuing offline parking permits. The solution for these and many more issues regarding permits come into the face. 

Quick Note on the GMP Permit

The GMP Permit equips parking lot operators with a user-friendly digital portal to track and manage all operations related to permit management. Apart from providing a white-label mobile responsive back-end portal to admin staff, it also offers customers an application for issuance of permits integrated with electronic payments processing and auto-renewal.  

Benefits of the GMP Permit

This solution offers several benefits to both operators and customers, which include:

  • An incredibly convenient way for parkers to use and pay for their parking lot routine.
  • Flexible permits ranging from an hour(s) to years(s) are available for parkers.
  • Facility to use a single permit credential to access multiple parking lots.
  • Auto-renewal option for parkers for permit renewals. 
  • Offline payments through pre-existing proxy (proximity) cards.
  • Parkers need one-time registration through the web application.
  • A user-friendly parking dashboard to maintain all the permits.
  • Instant permit allocation with online verification. 
  • Transparency with direct payments and revenue reports.

Over to you

GMP Permit provides convenience to both customers and parking lot owners. It is a solution you must adopt without much ado. On adapting this, the customer will choose your parking lots to park in, which will subsequently hike your revenues.    
