Parking Industry

Why is Permit Management Important for You?1 min read

Apr 12, 2021 2 min
Permit Management

Why is Permit Management Important for You?1 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Parking permit management is a digital solution that lets parking lot owners offer parkers an automated entry and exit routine without worrying about paying every time.

To avail of this solution, the parker requires to buy a Permit. Permits and the user account are linked. While entering the parking, the access methods like RFID, Licence Plate, or QR Code identifies the user account and allows the parker in the parking. So, the parkers can use the parking lot without paying. 

Permit Management

Benefits of a Parking Permit Management System

An online parking permit extends a host of benefits for various stakeholders. It automates the entire parking permit cycle right from accepting subscriptions to opening the parking lot barriers to processing payments. 

Here is why you need digital parking permit management:

  • The parking operator can create flexible permits ranging from an hour(s) to year(s).

  • Get updates about auto-renewals and all subscription activity in real-time. 
  • Your parkers can create a custom parking permit that suits their needs
  • Online verification and approval of Permits with only Id proof.
  • Monitor all parking activity through a user-friendly dashboard.
  • Collect payments online and Generate customized revenue reports.
  • Stay notified and provide quick customer support to your parkers. 
  • The operators have control of editing existing information of the permits

Parting Thoughts

As it is evident from the benefits, the Permit solution offers convenience to parking lot operators as well as the parkers who otherwise need to stop at every pre-designated parking lot checkpoint. Integrating this seamless technology, parking lot owners can ensure that parking becomes an almost subconscious activity rather than a stressful one.
